Google Search Engine Optimization Services (SEO for Google), Google Website Optimization & SEO Services Company

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Google Best Practices

Google Best Practices

Rainmaker offers Google Panda & Penguin compliant SEO services, backed by an in-depth understanding of current best practices.

SEO for Google? 

Yes, with an over 80% share of the ‘search universe’  Google dominates the organic search environment. So it is very important to select an SEO company which has proven credentials in terms of what we call & SEO for Google’ expertise.

Google Panda and Penguin compliant SEO services demand specialized knowledge of Google SEO best practices

Google has over the years, refined their search algorithms to a great extent. They are constantly updating their search parameters to ensure that they are able to provide the most objective and accurate results to any search query.
Over the last 1 year, they undertaken very intensive ‘clean up’ exercises under the much hyped Panda and Penguin updates. With these updates, they attempting to clean up their evaluation norms and penalize those SEO companies and their client websites which have indulged in unethical ‘Black Hat’ practices. As a result of these updates we have seen an unprecedented 20% of websites in the World Wide Web, abruptly falling in search rankings.

SEO for Google – A Snapshot of Google SEO Best Practices

We have given below, just a glimpse of some of the important Google SEO best practices, which will give you an idea of what is involved when it comes to SEO best practices.

Title Tag –

 The title tag is a very important SEO parameter, as it clearly describes to the search engine, what the page is all about. Title tags should not be of more than 70 characters.

Header Tags –

there are a wide range of header tags like H1, H2 and H3 tags. Use the H 1 tag at the top of the page and integrate the primary keyword for the page in the H 1 tag. With reference to the H2 tag, you can use several H 2 tags, in case the page content has several sections. these tags have to be used judiciously as they work as important pointers.

Description Tag –

Many summers back, Google used to give some importance to the keywords mentioned in this tag. But that’s not the case today. So resist the temptation to stuff this tag with your keywords. Focus on the communication, the ‘why buy me’ should come across in an emphatic manner, as this tag may come up in the search results and a good description tag, will  significantly improve click-through rates.

Internal Linking –

An internal link is a link from one page to another, within a website. Why is it important? It helps both the user as well as the search engine crawler to easily navigate the website. It also strengthens a specific keyword by pointing the crawler to the relevant page.

Originality of Content –

The recent Google Panda updates have caused an upheaval on the Net. Many a high ranking website has simply vanished from the search radar? One of the main reasons has been plagiarized content. So one of the most important SEO best practices is ensuring that your website has quality, original content. Also use your keywords judiciously across the content and avoid the temptation to insert too many repetitions as you can get penalized for keyword stuffing.

Google SEO Services – Off-Page Best Practices 

External Links –

What you say about yourself, in your website, can only take you that far. Google has over the years reduced the importance that it gives to on-page factors and has concentrated more on off- page factors, like external links. External links are links from other websites, directories, blogs and other online platforms to your website. The greater the external links, the more popular and relevant is the website.

Relevant vs. Irrelevant External Links –

Not all external links get the same weight age. One good external link from a reputed online resource is more important than 100 ordinary links from run- of – the mill directories. Links from websites not relevant to your category are not considered at all.

On PR Links –

Google has now officially confirmed that links from PR articles, by themselves do not merit great importance in their scheme of things. However, if the press release is ‘viralled’ in the form of downloads and extended linkage, that element will certainly be significant.

Social Media Visibility –

A recent trend in the post Google Panda world is the increasing relevance of social media as an important off- site parameter. So a good social media campaign will certainly, over time help you in terms of search ranking.

Disavow Links –

From July 2012, Google has started providing a ‘disavow facility’ which enables websites to disavow bad links and irrelevant links from their link base. This cleaning up of the websites back-link base will ensure that the website has a clean, quality back-link structure.

Importance of a Google Webmaster Account – 

If you have not done this already, we recommend that you create a Google Webmaster Account at the earliest. Unlike in the past, Google now provides regular communication on your website, in case they see something which is not consistent with their best practices. This will enable you to take immediate corrective action.

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