The Best SEM, PPC, Google Ads Management Pricing Packages & Plans

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  • USA

SEM/PPC packages

SEM/PPC packages

Rainmaker offers the best, affordable monthly SEM, PPC, Google Ads management packages as well as custom pricing plans that can be tailored to your budget and business needs.

At Rainmaker, we offer 3 levels of SEO Packages to faciliate our clients in the USA, UK and India to identify what best fits their budget and business needs. Besides these packages we also offer the most cost-effective custom SEO pricing plans that can be tailored to your unique business requirements.

If you are not sure about which package to opt for, all you have to do is Contact Us and our experts will assist you in selecting the plan that is best suited for your budget and business needs.


(Need a Custom Plan? We will work out the best deal for you, designed to suit your business needs... CONTACT US)

Activities Starter Standard Enterprise
Total Man Hours 20 per month 35 per month 60 per month
Account Setup      
Conversion Code Setup      
Keyword Research 1000 keywords 5000 keywords Unlimited
Bid Management Auto Manual Manual
Click Fraud IP Detection      
Competitive Analysis      
Attractive Ad – Copy      
A – B Testing      
Weekly Report      
Monthly Report      
Email Support      
Log File Analysis Basic Advanced Advanced
ROI Calculations      
Campaign Tweaking      
Conversion Tracking      
Chat Support      


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Please Contact Us, to get the most competitive rates for any of the packages.

We respect the fact that each website is a unique business challenge by itself. While we do provide a comparison chart of our 3 SEM, PPC, Google Ads management pricing packages we avoid that most common pitfall of giving a flat rate for each package. We actually further customize the above packages to give you the most cost-effective plan that is just right for your business.

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